Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Zbrush Essentials

So the guys over at 3D World put together a fantastic magazine featuring a couple of my tutorials done for 3dTotal.com. It came out a while back, but I just picked up my copy this week. Its 228 pages of Zbrush goodness ranging from beginner to advanced.
It was published over in the UK, but follow the link and get your own!


Monday, November 30, 2009

3dTotal's SpeedSculpting Tutorials

The guys and gals over at 3dTotal have put all of their SpeedSculpting tutorials into one downloadable e-book.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fox Aniboom Competition

With less than no time, we managed to squeeze out a short for the Fox-Aniboom competition this month. It was fast and furious around here for a week or two, but the team managed to crank out a pretty cool entry.
Check it out, vote, and leave a comment!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

3d Creative June 09

Hot off the presses! This month's 3dCreative is now out... with my Minotaur speed sculpt gracing the cover. But that's not all, a "Making of" article for my Ascension piece is also included. Grab a copy and check it out.. http://www.3dcreativemag.com/

Thursday, April 2, 2009

3d Creative April 09

If you're looking for a bit of 3d goodness, check out the new issue of 3d Creative. This fantastic e-magazine is a really great source for the 3d artist... plus this month's issue is just alittle bit better because of yours truly. I wrote a speed sculpting tutorial for Aprils issue, plus my 'Ascension' piece made it into the galleries section!

You can check it out here: http://www.3dcreativemag.com/

Heres a couple of shots of the Speed Sculpt done for the tutorial.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Staff Print by Growit3d

The 3d print of my staff finally came in. It turned out really nice. I have not had a model printed before, but I definitely recommend the guys over at Grow It 3D. They were really great and were happy to answer all my questions.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Staff Print Final

I finished the staff and sent it off for printing today. Here are some shots of the final sculpt.